Are you looking to use negative keywords on Facebook? If so, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll show you how to use negative keywords to improve your Facebook advertising.
First, let’s start with a quick definition of what negative keywords are. Negative keywords are words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to show up for. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss product, you might want to add “free” as a negative keyword so that your ad doesn’t show up when people are searching for free weight loss products.
Now that we know what negative keywords are, let’s take a look at how to use them in Facebook advertising.
If you’re using Facebook Ads, you may have heard of negative keywords. Negative keywords are those words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to show up for.For example, let’s say you sell shoes. You would want to addnegative keywords like “free” or “cheap” because you don’t want your ad to show up for people searching for free or cheap shoes. Adding negative keywords helps improve your ad’s quality score, which can lower your costs and help improve your ad’s placement.
Here are some tips for finding negative keywords:
- Think about the words or phrases that someone wouldn’t use if they were interested in what you’re selling
- Use the Keyword Plan.
How do you add negative keywords on Facebook?

Adding negative keywords on Facebook is a great way to improve your ad targeting and make sure your ads are more relevant to your target audience. Negative keywords prevent your ad from being shown to people who are not interested in what you’re selling.
To add negative keywords on Facebook, go to the Ads Manager and click on the edit button for the ad set you want to add negative keywords to. Then, click on the Keywords tab and scroll down to the Negative Keywords section. Here, you can add in the words or phrases that you don’t want your ad to be shown for.
Remember, adding negative keywords is just one part of creating a successful Facebook advertising campaign.
What are examples of negative keywords?
Negative keywords are words you can add to your ad campaign that will prevent your ad from being displayed when people search for those terms.
For example, if you’re a plumber, you might want to add “plumbing” as a negative keyword for your Facebook ad campaign, because you don’t want your ad to show up when people search for information about plumbing. This way, your ad will only be shown to people who are looking for your services, and not to people who are just interested in learning about plumbing.
What should negative keywords be?
There’s no one answer to this question because it depends on your business and goals. However, some general tips for finding negative keywords are to think about what products or services you don’t offer, and to look at your Facebook Ads metrics to see which keywords are resulting in a lot of clicks but few conversions. You can also use Google’s Keyword Planner tool to find out which keywords have a high cost per click but low click-through rate. Ultimately, the best way to find negative keywords is experimenting and making adjustments based on your results.
You can add negative keywords in the “Keywords” section of your Facebook Ads Manager campaign settings.
How do you write negative keywords?
When creating a Facebook ad campaign, you’ll want to include negative keywords to help ensure your ad isn’t shown to people who aren’t interested in what you’re selling.
For example, if you’re selling a new line of dark chocolate bars, you wouldn’t want your ad to show up when someone searches for “chocolate” on Facebook. That’s because people who are looking for information about chocolate are probably not interested in buying your dark chocolate bars.
To add negative keywords to your campaign, go to the “Keywords” section of your ad set and enter the words and phrases that you want to exclude from your targeting.
What symbol would you use to add a negative keyword?

If you’re running a Facebook ad campaign and want to add a negative keyword, you have a couple of different options. You can either add the negative keyword to your ad group or create a new negative keyword list.
To add a negative keyword to an ad group, go to the Ads Manager and click on the ad group that you want to edit. Then, click on the “Keywords” tab. From there, you’ll see an option to “Add Negative Keywords.” Just enter the keywords that you want to block, one per line.
You can also create a new negative keyword list by clicking on the “Excluded Words” tab in Ads Manager.
What do negative keywords do?
Negative keywords are words or phrases that you can add to your ad campaign that tell Facebook not to show your ads for certain searches. For example, if you’re a plumber, you might add “leaks” as a negative keyword so that your ad doesn’t show up when someone searches for “plumbing leaks.”
Adding negative keywords can help improve your ad campaign by making sure that your ads are shown to people who are more likely to be interested in what you’re selling. It can also help lower your costs since you’re not paying for clicks from people who aren’t interested in what you have to offer.
Why are negative keywords important?
Negative keywords are important because they help you to narrowly focus your advertising efforts on people who are actually interested in what you have to offer.
For example, if you’re a dentist and you want to advertise your services on Facebook, you might include the keyword “dentist” in your ad. But if someone searches for “Facebook”, they’re not likely to be interested in finding a dentist, so including the keyword “Facebook” as a negative keyword would be wise. This way, your ad won’t show up for people who are searching for information about Facebook, and instead will show up for people who are interested in finding a dentist.
How does broad match negative keywords work?
Broad match negative keywords help you to exclude certain queries from your campaign. For example, if you’re targeting people who are interested in buying a car, but don’t want your ads to show up for people who are only interested in buying cars on Facebook, you can add “car” as a broad match negative keyword. That way, when someone searches for “buy a car on Facebook,” your ad won’t show up, but your ad will still show up for people who search for “buy a car.”
What is the difference between negative exact and negative phrase?
Negative Exact keywords are those that trigger your ad to show ONLY if the user’s search query includes your keyword in the same order as you’ve typed it in.
Negative Phrase keywords are those that trigger your ad to show if the user’s search query includes any of your keywords, but not necessarily in the same order as you’ve typed them.
For example, if you’re targeting people who have searched for “negative facebook,” your ads will show when someone searches for “negative experiences on Facebook,” but not when someone searches for “Facebook brand negativity.”
In conclusion, Negative keywords are an important part of any Facebook Ads campaign. By excluding irrelevant terms from your targeting, you can save money on advertising and improve the performance of your campaigns. In this article, we’ve shown you how to add negative keywords to your Facebook Ads campaigns. We’ve also given you a few tips for finding negative keywords that will be most effective for your business. Now it’s time for you to get started! Add some negative keywords to your next campaign and see how they improve its performance.